Every Child Deserves
A Chance To Thrive

Every Child Deserves
A Chance To Thrive

Millions of kids around the world are growing up in orphanages, and most of them are not growing into successful adults. Homelessness. Unemployment. Incarceration. Substance abuse. Trafficking. Premature death. They are failing by any social measure. But it does not have to be this way. Group homes fill a critical role in child protection systems, and thoughtful, child-focused programming provided through training at Hope Institute can equip the children in these homes to thrive after leaving care.

Love Is Not Enough

Orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) also need structure, stability, security. Children growing up in protection systems need a safety net when they age out, and a real chance to succeed as independent adults. Hope Institute partners with children’s homes to teach research-driven strategies that work. Because our training is highly customized, we are able to address the unique challenges of care providers anywhere in the world.